The Board of Trustees of Stanford School District 12 will hold a school BOND PROJECT MEETING on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, at 6:00 pm in the school library and on Zoom. Any person or group that desires to be scheduled on the agenda or wishes to add something to the agenda for discussion, must contact the school Board Chairman or Superintendent at least seven (7) business days in advance of the meeting.
Link to the Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 992 3953 6020 Passcode: KD6pbj
Stanford School Board Special Meeting Agenda
December 5, 2023
6:00 PM
1. Call to Order
a. Pledge of Allegiance
b. Establish Quorum
2. Public Comment
During the Public Comment part of the agenda, speakers may offer such objective criticisms or praise of school operations and programs as concerns them. However, in order to protect the individual privacy and employment rights of employees, the Board cannot hear complaints or criticism against school personnel nor against any person connected with the school system. Additionally, any matter brought to the Board’s attention during this time will not be acted upon, but shall be taken under advisement for investigation or possible future deliberation by the Board at a later meeting. Citizens may also suggest inclusions on the agenda. The Superintendent must receive such suggestions at least 7 days before the Board meeting. Those individuals who wish to be placed on the Board agenda must notify the Superintendent, in writing, of the request. The request must include the reason for the appearance. If the reason for the appearance is a complaint against any District employee, the individual filing the complaint must demonstrate that the Uniform Complaint Procedure has been followed.
3. Review, Revise, and Approve the Agenda
4. 6:00- Bond update
a. McKinstry
b. Mosaic
c. Sign off on schematic design package
5. Ski Club- Approval to provide a bus.
6. Adjournment