December 3, 2020 10:00 AM
On December 3, 2020, the Stanford School District was moved to a remote learning environment for all students, to assess the possible exposure of students and staff to a staff member who tested positive. After an evaluation and assessment of the situation it has been determined that the exposure was limited to a few certain classes. Exposure was limited due to several protocols the district has in place to help curb the spread of the virus. School will resume for in-person instruction for grades 5-12 on December 7, 2020. Grades K-4 will remain in a remote learning environment until December 14, 2020. All activities for grades 5-12 will continue as scheduled. It is still recommended that any person who feels sick or ill, seek out their medical provider for specific instructions. The School District is in contact with the Health Department and reviewing the Centers for Disease Control guidance to complete cleaning the school and other related facilities. The other steps taken by the School District include the continued implementation of our cleaning protocols and in accordance to the directive by the Governor of Montana for staff and students to continue to wear masks while occupying the building. School officials will continue to monitor the situation and will provide further information if and when it becomes available. During these times when we have staff or students test positive for COVID-19 the district is doing everything in its power to keep the staff and students safe. We may continue to see periods of remote learning and/or quarantines of students and staff. These all put a great deal of stress and pressure on the staff and parents and we ask for your understanding and patience as we are doing what we can to keep our school open and our students and staff safe. Please monitor all our media outlets for changes as changes may occur rapidly. Contact Superintendent Brad Moore for details about these measures and once again we thank you for your understanding and patience as we work through these challenging times.
December 2, 2020- 8:30 PM
On December 2, 2020, the Stanford School District was notified that a staff member had tested positive for COVID-19. The District’s staff and students were in contact with the staff member during the period of possible exposure. In consultation with the Central Montana Health District, the Stanford School District is going to remote learning on December 3, 2020 for all students so staff can assess the situation and complete contact tracing of any student who may have been in contact with the staff member. It is still recommended that any person who feels sick or ill, seek out their medical provider for specific instructions. The School District is in contact with the Health Department and reviewing the Centers for Disease Control guidance to complete cleaning the school and other related facilities. The other steps taken by the School District include the continued implementation of our cleaning protocols and in accordance to the directive by the Governor of Montana for staff and students to continue to wear masks while occupying the building. School officials will continue to monitor the situation and will provide further information if and when it becomes available. The District will release more information on December 3, 2020 once a full assessment of the situation is completed. During these times when we have staff or students test positive for COVID-19 the district is doing everything in its power to keep the staff and students safe. We may continue to see periods of remote learning and/or quarantines of students and staff. These all put a great deal of stress and pressure on the staff and parents and we ask for your understanding and patience as we are doing what we can to keep our school open and our students and staff safe. Please monitor all our media outlets for changes as changes may occur rapidly. Contact Superintendent Brad Moore for details about these measures and once again we thank you for your understanding and patience as we work through these challenging times.
Stanford Ski Club Info. has been downloaded and is under "Menu", "Documents" and finally "Ski /Snowboard Club Info." Rental Agreement and the 3 pages of info. is what you will need to download or hardcopy forms are available with Mr. Von Bergen. Monies and paperwork are due on Thursday, Dec. 3rd.
Ski/Snowboard club will have their first trip on December 11. There are pamphlets and signup sheets in Mr. Vonbergen’s office on Monday. Those need to be filled out with checks included (made out to Stanford School) no later then December 3rd. I HAVE to give the roster to Showdown on the 4th. The signup sheet will ask the level of hill the student mostly skis well (green, blue, black). This will help me and showdown with the lessons. Students must take lessons. They are fee and that is what this club is all about, advancing our skills. A bus will be taking us up there, but you are more than welcome to drive up yourself. I am hoping to have 1 parent to 5 students if possible. Chaperones will have a discount too, but I am limiting it to the amount of studen:parent ratio. Please call/text Billie Jo Holzer at 350.1072 with any questions.
Message from the Superintendent
November 8, 2020 5:00 PM
Due to COVID concerns and inclement weather, Stanford Schools will be closed to students on November 9, 2020. Teachers will utilize the day to prepare for a remote learning only environment for all students from November 10-16, 2020. Teachers will be in contact with their students regarding their schedules and assignments. Lunch and breakfast will be available for students at the school for pickup starting on November 10 and will be available Monday through Friday this week and the following Monday, November 16. Please notify Heidi in the office by 9:00 AM each morning so we may have an accurate count. There is no charge for lunch and breakfast for our students. It is our plan to return to full onsite instruction for all students and staff on Tuesday, November 17, 2020. In the meantime if you have any questions, feel free to contact me. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work through these challenging times.
Brad A. Moore
Press Release- Stanford Public Schools
November 7, 2020- 8:00 PM
On November 6, 2020, the Stanford School District was notified that a student had tested positive for COVID-19. The positive test was confirmed on November 7, 2020. According to the Central Montana Health District, the District’s staff and students were in contact with the student during the period of possible exposure. However, the student last had person-to-person contact with fellow students/staff at 11:45 AM on Monday, November 2, 2020, (4) four days prior to the student’s diagnosis. Since November 2, 2020, the student has not been at the school.
If any staff or students are at risk of exposure, the Stanford School District will be in contact with that person to determine a safe and appropriate course of action. It is still recommended that any person who feels sick or ill, seek out their medical provider for specific instructions. The School District is in contact with the Central Montana Health District and reviewing the Centers for Disease Control guidance to complete cleaning the school and other related facilities as needed. Contact Superintendent Brad Moore for details about these measures. School officials will continue to monitor the situation and will provide further information if and when it becomes available. Please monitor the school webpage at and their Facebook page for updates as the circumstances may change quickly.
Brad A. Moore
Just a reminder,
If you would like to attend the JHBB games in Stanford on Saturday, we are only allowing attendance/tickets of 4 per uniformed player. These are part of the COVID attendance set by District 8C. We are not mandatory mask for fans in Stanford currently but please be aware this can change any day.
If you want your name on the list, please email, text me-868-0164, or check with the Stanford or school phone-566-2265.
UPDATED November 1, 2020- 7:00 PM
On October 31, 2020, the Stanford School District was notified that a staff member had tested positive for COVID-19. The District’s staff and students were in contact with the staff member during the period of possible exposure. However, the staff member last worked and had person-to-person contact with fellow students and staff at Stanford Schools on Wednesday, October 28, 2020, three (3) days prior to the staff member’s diagnosis. Since October 29, 2020, the staff member has not been at the school. In consultation with the Central Montana Health District the Stanford School District is contacting any student or staff member who may have been in contact with the staff member. On November 1, 2020 the Stanford School District was notified of another staff member that had tested positive for COVID-19. That staff member has not been in the school building since the 21st of October. It is still recommended that any person who feels sick or ill, seek out their medical provider for specific instructions. The School District is in contact with the Health Department and reviewing the Centers for Disease Control guidance to complete cleaning the school and other related facilities. The other steps taken by the School District include the continued implementation of our cleaning protocols and encouraging staff and students to continue to wear masks even when the county is not under a mask mandate. School officials will continue to monitor the situation and will provide further information if and when it becomes available. During these times when we have staff or students test positive for COVID-19 the district is doing everything in its power to keep the staff and students safe. We may see periods of remote learning and/or quarantines of students and staff. These all put a great deal of stress and pressure on the staff and parents and we ask for your understanding and patience as we are doing what we can to keep our school open and our students and staff safe. As of November 1, 2020 we plan to have normal school classes on Monday, November 2, 2020 with the exception of small pods of students and staff entering remote learning due to quarantine measures due to exposure to staff. Please monitor all our media outlets for changes as changes may occur rapidly. Contact Superintendent Brad Moore for details about these measures and once again we thank you for your understanding and patience as we work through these challenging times.
November 1, 2020- 9:00 AM
On October 31, 2020, the Stanford School District was notified that a staff member had tested positive for COVID-19. The District’s staff and students were in contact with the staff member during the period of possible exposure. However, the staff member last worked and had person-to-person contact with fellow students and staff at Stanford Schools on Wednesday, October 28, 2020, Three (3) days prior to the staff member’s diagnosis. Since October 29, 2020, the staff member has not been at the school.
If any staff or students are at risk of exposure, the Central Montana Health District will be in contact with that person to determine a safe and appropriate course of action. It is still recommended that any person who feels sick or ill, seek out their medical provider for specific instructions. The School District is in contact with the Health Department and reviewing the Centers for Disease Control guidance to complete cleaning the school and other related facilities. The other steps taken by the School District include the continued implementation of our cleaning protocols and encouraging staff and students to continue to wear mask even with the county is not under a mask mandate. School officials will continue to monitor the situation and will provide further information if and when it becomes available. As of November 1, 2020 we plan to have normal school classes on Monday, November 2, 2020. Please monitor all our media outlets for changes as changes may occur rapidly. Contact Superintendent Brad Moore for details about these measures.
This USDA waiver for free meals for students has been extended until the end of the school year due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. If you have any questions, feel free to call the school office.
Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for November 5, 2020 from 4 to 7 pm. Contact the office if you have questions.
District 5C JHVB Tournament
The District 5C JHVB Tournament will be cancelled on Friday, Oct. 9th. The loss of our 4th participating team to COVID positive tests and the risk of further contamination deemed this unnecessary and were advised to cancel.
Stanford Schools recently applied for and received a waiver from the USDA which allows for all of our students to eat breakfast and lunch for FREE starting today, September 22. This waiver is in effect until December 31. If you have any questions, feel free to call the school office.
It is midterm already. Please check your child's grade at:
Contact the school if you are having difficulty logging in.
DGS Homecoming 2020 A Success!
DGS football defeats Centerville 58-0 and DGS volleyball defeats GRW 3-0.
September School Newsletter is available
Parents: Please remember that the arrival time for school is no earlier than 7:45 AM. We do not have staff available before then and are still cleaning our facilities in preparation for the day.
Bus Routes -
Governor's Directive of Masks in Schools
Welcome Back Letter from the Superintendent